Friday, February 8, 2013

Valentine's Day

Honestly, I think Valentine's Day is just a Hallmark holiday, but none the less we all participate in it. This year, with the new baby, romance and alone time is slime to none. I saw an idea on Pinterest and so far it's been a hit. I write and leave little notes to Cam everyday with silly/clever love sayings (example: It's o-fish-al that you're the best husband on a bag of gold fish). He's really liking it and I think appreciating it too!

I went a little crazy and bought a bunch of Valentine's outfits for Baby Duncan so he'll be sporting them all month until the big day. I finally got him talking up a storm today. He loves looking at the mobile in his crib and I ran and got my camera really quick and got him smiling and talking. It's over 6 minutes long so I didn't want to bore everyone on Facebook with it, but it's really cute and I can't wait to show Cam.

I sat down to write this blog (by the way, it seemed like every time I did sit down to write it he woke up or started fussing while sitting next to me...guess he didn't want me to write this one haha) and Baby D was playing on his mat and he almost rolled over! I ran for the camera (it will now be with me wherever I go so I don't miss anything now) and got him almost rolling over! He's not quite there, but it should be sooooooon!! I can't believe how big he's getting!

We are supposed to be getting a bad winter storm this weekend. So far it's rained, snowed a little, and rained some more. Nothing has accumulated on the ground yet, but I'm hearing that it's going to be really bad. I won't be going anywhere, but it's Cam's drill weekend with the Army so he'll be driving in it tomorrow. The weather today has hindered my work out. Today's a run day and that's not going to happen...

I also woke up to a huge scare. After feeding baby and going back to sleep I kept hearing this weird noise coming from under the bed, but I kept ignoring it because I was up a bunch of times throughout the night trying to get baby back to sleep and I was exhausted. The third time the noise woke me up I listened for a couple seconds and realized that Mack was under the bed and it was him making the sound. It sounded like he was stomping his feet and the first thing I thought was that there was an animal he was trying to get. But, he wasn't barking or growling so it had to be something else.

I finally got out of bed and turned on the flashlight app on my phone to look under the bed. There was Mack. He had crazy eyes and was just looking around like he didn't know where he was. I called to him to come out and he struggled. He was flopping around and not able to completely straighten his legs. He managed to get into his crate and just fell down and his head was bobbing around. I really started to get scared. It definitely looked like something was wrong.

I called Cam, who was already at work, and he said to call the emergency vet (it was only 6:30am). In the time that I told the girl what was wrong with Mack, the garbage truck pulled around the block and Mack got up as if nothing happened and went to check out the noise. Seriously?! He scared the crap out of me. I have NO idea what was wrong, but he seems to be completely normal now. Anyone ever have this happen to your dog??

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