Thursday, February 7, 2013

Baby Duncan

I can't believe that Baby Duncan is 2 months old already!

He has grown and matured so much in such a short period of time. He can now hold his head up, almost sit up on his own, push down on his legs when he's standing, almost do a push up, and scoot around his crib.

He's smiling like crazy and starting to mimic noises that we make. His favorite is a purrr sound and clicking of the tongue. He laughs and smiles when I sing "Put on a Happy Face" and he's starting to enjoy "Patty Cake", "Wheels on the Bus", and "Peek-a-Boo"!! It's so amazing to see him smile and more amazing that I'm causing him to do it.

When he wakes up we say "Good Morning" and he gets the biggest grin on his face. I usually cry as soon as he flashes that gummy smile at me. He probably thinks I'm nuts.  He smiles at "I Love You" and when I try to get him to say "Mom Mom Mom"! He talks up a storm on the changing table. I can't wait to be able to understand him.

He is starting to be aware of so much and things that bothered him before he doesn't mind anymore.
Like bath time. Where he used to scream as soon as his clothes came off until he was completely dressed again, he now might cry for a second until he's in the water and then a little bit until he's dry in the towel. It's just so amazing to see how smart he's getting.

Mack is doing well adjusting to the new baby. He used to cry whenever the baby did and now he just looks at him and will lick his hand. Mack doesn't get much play time anymore and thank God we have the invisible fence so he's able to play outside and do his business without having to wait. I am so excited for spring and summer and then Mack can play outside and I can bring the baby out as well.

I am very thankful to my Mom for coming over almost once a week so I can get things done and to my mother-in-law and her gf for baby-sitting while Cam and I have some alone time! I'm also very thankful of the hours that Cam is working where he's home by 3pm. I am lucky to be able to stay home with my precious boy and have such a hard-working husband who is helping make that happen.

I'm also very lucky that Baby D sleeps through the night. Sometimes 10 hours! There's been days where he's sleeping so long that I think about waking him up because I'm so bored (but I don't!!). He does spend a lot more time awake and we play and laugh and he helps me cook dinner!

I'm looking forward to the upcoming milestones. Up next...Crawling. My little man will be Baptised in less than a month and I can't wait for all his family and friends (that haven't already) to meet him!

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