Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Well it's officially summer. I remember when that actually meant something...Summer break from grade school, summer break from high school, summer break from college. Now it's just plain old summer, no break.

Not that I'm complaining...I just miss the old days of no responsibilities.

So, a week ago I started a Cleanse and Burn program and so far have lost 5 pounds. It would have been more, but the diet part is really restrictive and I caved a couple of times. Also, I went to a wedding and definitely indulged there haha. Back on track with the program now so I will update when it's all finished.

It was a busy work week, trying to catch up after Father's Day, so the week went by pretty fast.
Saturday, my friend, Michelle, got married! I took the day off so I wouldn't have to be rushing around all day. As always, I was ready like an hour early and Cam finally got ready like 30 minutes before we had to leave.

I wanted to leave around 3 because the wedding started at 4 and I wanted to have enough time with traffic and whatnot. Cam's almost done getting ready around 3 so we're right on track....no, he still has to clean out his truck. We don't end up leaving until 3:20 and the GPS says it's an hour drive...WTF!!

So, I'm pissed because I hate being late and I am only late when I have to wait for Cam. He drives like a maniac and OF COURSE we get stuck behind some slow-ass people on all the back roads we had to take.

And we are late. 15 minutes late. I'm literally running up the hill in my 4-inch heels and trying not to break my ankle. The ceremony has already started...great. We sneak in the back and not too many noticed. I was mortified. We only missed the beginning and the rest was beautiful. I cried.

We headed outside to blow bubbles on the new couple and then we headed to the reception hall. The place was so cute! Rob was there (he's a friend of ours, went to school with him since grade school) and he was DJing! We knew it would be a good time then!

We sat with friends, Erin, Damien, and their daughter Madison. And Michelle's roommate, Calvin and his BF. We all had a great time chatting and catching up. Then, it was time to eat...and we were starving (especially me, I've been eating like nothing all week haha). The food was A-MA-ZING! It was like Thanksgiving...turkey with gravy, roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce, buttered rolls...it was family style around the table and it was yummy!!

We did some dancing and they had a photo booth with all kinds of dress-up stuff!! Kasey and I went in first and then I went in with Cam! They're putting the print-outs in our thank-you cards! I can't wait to get them back!! They also had an ice cream bar along with the cake and cupcakes for dessert (like I don't have enough ice cream) haha, but that's what I got and we took cupcakes to go.

Since I took Saturday off I had to work on Sunday so we headed out a little before 10...in PA almost all gas stations are 24/7. We were out of gas and there was nothing around open. All the roads home were back roads and no gas stations there. We drove a good 20 minutes before we got to a more built up place and I was praying to God that we didn't break down in the middle of nowhere. Just as Cam got the receipt and got back into the car, they shut the lights. Someone was watching out for us that night, I'm sure!!

We made it home and I was exhausted. Work the next day was fine. I worked with the kids all day and it was like old times (the last time I worked there haha). Yesterday was a busy work day too and today I have the day off.

I have a doctor's appointment today and I'm really hoping to find out some good, positive information. I don't want to say too much about what's going on until I know details and what's going to happen...but I promise I (or Cam) am not sick and it's nothing serious. Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. keep us posted about the doctor! I saw the wedding pics on FB, you look great!
