Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Mind

The mind is a powerful thing. Just that way we think can change the littlest thing about our day and our life.

I recently got a Groupon for a 3-hour weight loss hypnosis. I've never been hypnotized and I wasn't completely sure I could be, but it was originally $259 and I paid $39. Not too shabby, huh?! I couldn't pass it up. Plus, it was something new that I'd never done before.

So, I ventured to the meeting place (of course I got lost and have to call twice and turn around 4 or 5 times...with a GPS, but those of you who know me personally know that this is quite normal). Anyways, there were a lot of people there of all shapes, sizes, and age. 

Throughout the 3 hours we were hypnotized not to just "stop eating" or "don't eat that" but we were made to visualize the happier, healthier person we wanted to be. It was incredible that the suggestions he gave us actually sunk in for me. We were told to picture the foods that we crave the most and to picture boogers or vomit on them. As weird as it sounds, it worked! When I came home from the session I made Cam a burger for lunch (one of those fully cooked patties that are like 250 calories and made of garbage) and I actually felt nauseous when I smelt it.

It really astounds me how easily our subconscious can be swayed with just the power of suggestion. I will be keeping up with the Cd's I got from the session and hopefully working to not only eliminating the junk from my diet, but not even thinking about it or wanted it anymore.

Today's Menu:
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Breakfast: Organic Whole Grain Waffle with Blueberry Jam and Turkey Sausage

Snack #1: Leftover Detox Green Monster Smoothie
(Recipe on previous post)

Lunch: Egg Salad Wrap with Salad
(2 Organic Eggs with 1 Yolk Only, 1 Tbs. Dijon, 1/4 tsp. Dill, Organic Sprouted Grain Tortilla)

Snack #2: Organic Orange with 10 Almonds

Dinner: Chicken Tacos with Beans and Quinoa
(2 Organic Chicken, 5 Tbs. Organic Salsa, 1 Tbs. Sour Cream, 1/2 Organic Avocado, 4 Organic Whole Grain Tortilla, 5 Sprigs Organic Parsley)

(2 Cups Organic Black Beans, cooked and 2 1/2 Cups Organic Quinoa, cooked)

Recipes Inspired By: The 5 Day Inferno Plan

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