Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well as you can tell I have been slacking with my blog posts. Not only have I been slacking with my posts, but with my exercising...

Since we got back from Disney I have not worked out (running or anything else besides everyday life). Thankfully, I have not gained any weight, but I think how much I'd be losing if I wasn't being so lazy. Unfortunately, that doesn't always motivate me haha.

Work has been pretty dead and some days I leave by 1:30-2:00...I thought I was about to get my dream job (A personal assistant job that I would be making as much as I did nannying). But, I have not heard back from him since the weekend, so I'm thinking it's not going to happen. Which really sucks because we would both be making good money. Cam put in for a different job, as well. Same company, but a little closer to home, better hours, and a little higher up on the totem pole...fingers crossed for that!

I thought this was going to be our baby month...and then the dreaded bathroom day when I found out it definitely wasn't this month. It's just so frustrating. I cry. I scream. I lash out when I don't mean to. But, I can't help it...I have so many emotions over all of this (plus I take hormone pills so that doesn't help haha) and sometimes I can't control what I think and worse what I say (mostly to Cam because he's always around...)

I feel so bad, but before I can stop myself and think, I just explode. Next month (October) we are trying the first round of IUI (Iintrauterine Insemination). We are really hoping this will work for us. While it's NOT $10,000 like IVF, we will still have to spend a little money to do it and if takes a few times the cost will add up. Only God knows what will happen and I know that when the time is right it will finally happen, but waiting sucks. I've never been good at it.

As some of you might have noticed I have drastically deleted people from my facebook account. I just had my fill of the drama and certain people's constant complaining and bullsh** and gone they went haha. So, if you are still about to see my profile, then you are the lucky ones I kept in my life loop!!

We just got Mack the invisible fence when we got back and he was doing very well with the beeps and staying away from the flags. Yesterday, the electric was turned on and to see him get shocked made me physically sick. I got heartburn. It was hard to watch him get hurt. The shock is on a very low setting since he's so small and I think it's scaring him more than anything, but it's still awful to watch! Now, we can run past the flags and he just stops! Haha, he's a very smart pup! :)

I went to one of my best friend's engagement party last week. It was so nice (besides the heavy rain) and I don't get to see her that often, so we all had a great time! Another congrats to Kasey and Chris!!

The next day Cam and I met his mom, step-dad, and his sister Carrie at Nanny Johnson's house for her birthday celebration! CAM cooked. He spent all night the day before cooking up a storm. He made Fettuccine, Spaghetti sauce from scratch, Meatballs from scratch, Fried calamari, and Tiramisu from scratch (except the lady fingers were bought). It turned out AMAZING! Any good Italian cook would be proud. Really, really good job he did!
Cam rarely cooks so I am always surprised, but I shouldn't be because Cam is good at anything he tries! I can't wait for his next creation!!

I guess that's about all that's been going on since we got back from vacation...hopefully I will have some good news to update about soon!!

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