Thursday, February 7, 2013

Work it Out

It was so nice when after Baby D was born I lost 30 pounds. Even better that I only gained 15! Well, in the beginning I gained 25 and ended up losing 10 lbs toward the end. because of being so sick and not eating very much and then that carried over to after he was born.

But as it always goes, the weight has packed back on and this disgusting pooch has formed below my bellybutton. Being a new mom and trying to get things done around the house doesn't leave much time to eat healthy and exercise. It's too cold to take the baby out with me so I have to wait until Cam is home to watch him.

Luckily, Cam is home before dark and I am able to get outside and run. I started the Couch to 5K program and there's this great app on my phone that a voice tells you when to walk and when to run and it links your music to it. It starts out only 3 days a week and you go from there. (couch-to-5k app by I love it and I feel amazing when I'm done. It's such a great time for me to just have a minute to myself while Cam bonds with his son.

Eating right has always been a hard time for me. I've done every diet under the sun and struggled with my weight for years. I've had major ups and downs. Hardcore diet programs, diet pills, an eating disorder, too much partying in college, etc. I hate depriving myself and it usually causes a whole mess of problems with overeating because I'm starving.

I now am watching what I'm eating and keeping track of calories on my phone. (my fitness pal) It's sometimes a pain, but definitely helps in keeping me in check of what I'm eating. I'm just hoping to get back into shape where I can be proud and feel comfortable in my own skin. Right now I just feel unattractive (even though Cam always tells me how beautiful I am) and just not liking my post-baby body. I'm hoping that by setting a goal to lose a little by Duncan's christening will help the process. I will be no where near done, but it's a start.

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