Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Tiny Love

I knew I always wanted to be a mom and heard that there was nothing like seeing your baby for the first time and feeling that undeniable love, but it's nothing compared to when it actually happens.

It took over 4 years for me to finally meet the love of my life. Over 2 years trying on our own and another year through grueling fertility treatment including daily injections, weekly blood work, and sometimes twice a week trips to the hour away doctor's office. The first IUI did not work. Probably one of the worst feelings after thinking we were expecting. But, after the second IUI and hearing that we would finally be parents definitely made up for it.

Almost 10 months later our baby boy was born! I'd love to say that it was an easy pregnancy and that I lived it up and ate whatever I wanted and everything was great.


I found out I was pregnant at around 3 weeks. I took the call at work and of course then everyone there knew, most before Cameron. (Oops) We then told only our parents and the grandparents. Things were pretty good. Not too much nausea and we already had ultrasounds because of the fertility they check every week! Which means ultrasounds from the yolk sac to 20 weeks!

Then came one of the worst days of my life. The night before Easter I was doing laundry. It was about 8:30 at night. As I was walking upstairs I felt like something was wrong. Then I went to the bathroom...I felt like I was going to die. There was blood. A lot of blood. Cam was working at hour away (he never worked weekends but picked up an extra shift that weekend). I called him, but he could barely understand me through the screaming and crying. When I could finally calm down enough to let him know what was going on, he told me to drive to the ER. I was scared. I didn't want to go and possibly get the worst news. He said that if I didn't go he would call 911 and send and ambulance. I didn't want that so I went.

I can still picture that whole night and feel what I felt at the time. I was shaking the whole ride there. After hours of testing and ultrasounds, I was discharged. My baby was still in there despite the bleeding and I wouldn't find out that it was the discharge of the 3 other eggs I ovulated until a couple weeks later. The ER told me it was freak bleeding. Thanks.

Thankfully that was the only real scare I had with him. I was told to take it easy and thankfully I had told my bosses and they were very supportive and understanding. Things were good then after that.

Until the last couple of months...

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I had horrible migraines, I was throwing up everything and throwing up nothing. Every part of my body was sore and I was miserable.  I spent my days at work and when I wasn't at work I was either sleeping (trying to sleep) or laying on the couch with Mack and Cam trying to stay comfortable. The worst came right before our vacation to Arizona. I ended up getting bronchitis and that's when I really got sick. Taking showers became my best friend. It was the only place I felt comfortable. I cranked the water to hot hot hot and if I needed to throw up it wasn't a big deal. Most days if I kept down a bowl of rice it was a good day.

A week before Baby D was born I started having pains and spotting. I ended up being admitted after work to make sure everything was ok and it was. The next day I left work early for the same reasons and after that decided that it would be my last day of work. (I had planned to work until my water broke but it was getting too stressful). The next Monday I woke up around 6am. Cam just started him 2 week vacation from work because I was due that weekend. I went upstairs and logged onto facebook and posted about how I just wanted him to be here and everyone told me it was too early and to keep dreaming.

6:30 my water broke. I woke up Cam and we got ready to go. The contractions started within 15 minutes and they were horrible. We called the doctor and were on our way to the hospital. We got there around 7:15 and were admitted. I was in a lot of pain at this point and all I wanted was that darn epidural! They said as soon as the iv fluids were in my body and I got to my room. It seemed like an eternity until that happened. I met with the anaesthesiologist and then it was finally time for the epidural. I leaned forward on Cam and rounded my back and it was over, didn't even feel it.

After that I felt amazing!! Cam and I took a nap, we had some family members visit, and then it was time to push. Like I said before, I felt amazing. I didn't feel a thing. Baby came down really quickly and I needed oxygen, but other than that it was a piece of cake. (He owed me after those last few months of sickness, right?!)

Then, he was here. Duncan Cameron MacQueen V
 Monday, November 26, 2012 1:07pm 7 lbs 14 oz 20.5 inches

I heard him cry and they put him on my chest. He was slimy and gooey. He was perfect. People can tell you the feeling, but you will never know it until it happens. I was in love. In the next couple days and weeks we learned so much so quickly. I've worked in a daycare, baby-sat, and been a personal nanny, but nothing can compare you for having an infant 24/7. I'm not going to lie, it was a struggle at first. Being sleep deprived and not really knowing what you're doing definitely took a toll. Thank God Cam was home with me for 2 full weeks!

It's been 10 weeks since my baby boy was born and we've learned a lot. It's amazing how much he's grown already and how fast he's becoming a little person with likes and dislikes and his personality is developing. I love each day that I spend with him and see him change.

I'll be blogging more about the journey we've gone through with him and the adventures that we will have!

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