Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I don't know why it's so hard for me to sit down and write a blog, but it's been almost a month since I've written.

Honestly, not too much has happened in a month...

Cam and I have been gearing up for Christmas and I've been getting closer to finishing my job at Cold Stone and starting my new job at the hospital.

I've started hormone injections (into my stomach) so we will see if they will help at all.

I can't wait for Christmas! We are having dinner at our house this year. Cam has to work that night and we found it easier to have it at our house. We are excited to be bringing Nanny MacQueen back to our house after Christmas Eve. She has never been to our house and I know she is so excited to be spending the holidays with everyone.

Since Mack ruined our couch by licking himself on it, we decided to have it professionally cleaned before company came over. We got an indoor electric sensor so he can't go on it anymore as well as another one upstairs so he can't go in the cats' room! Poor pup-pup was so sad when he couldn't get on the couch. :(

I am so looking forward to my Iphones coming in the mail! I got one for Cam for Christmas and one for myself haha. A girl at work told me about this awesome site that sells Iphone accessories for much, much cheaper than getting them at Verizon.

If I don't get a chance to blog in the next couple of weeks...

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
Happy New Year :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Feeling Better

Since my last post I am feeling a lot better!! I was on medicine and my cough is almost gone. Nighttime is still the worst, but at least I'm sleeping better now. I did have a new development...bruised ribs. I thought they were cracked, but my x-ray didn't show anything. It's still painful when I cough, but not as bad anymore either.

I had a really nice Thanksgiving! First, Cam and I went over to our friend Laurel's house for brunch and then headed to NJ for dinner at Joanne's (Cam's Mom). My parents and his sisters joined us and we all had a really great meal together. Cam had to work that night so we headed home early.

I've had a lot of days off since Thanksgiving. Because of the holiday the order didn't come to the store and we ran out of product so I couldn't make anything. It's nice to have off and be home, but obviously I'm not getting paid and that sucks. I'll be going back to work tomorrow and I know I'm going to have a ton to do...

On a happy note. I got the medical receptionist job!! I went for my second interview and she told me I got the job right away! I got another tour of the building and sat with the girls at the desk for a little bit. I am soooo excited! I start January 4th and it's going to be great! I'll be telling my boss tomorrow about the good news for me, bad news for him, but I'm giving him a month's notice!

This morning I woke up and went upstairs to feed the cats. When I opened the door Apollo had a mouse in his mouth. I freaked out and went to wake up Cam to help me, but Apollo hates him and would never listen to him so I had to do it. I got the roll of paper towels and went back upstairs to get the mouse. When I went back up he wouldn't put it down so I got their food to get him to put it down while he ate. I went back over the gate and Apollo put it down and it ran (I thought it was dead...I don't know why he didn't kill it).

So now I don't know where it is...if it ran back out or what. I was freaking out and crying so hard that I got sick to my stomach. I HATE mice!! Yuck! I let Mack in the room where it was and was sniffing around like he was on the hunt. Terriers are rat hunters so I thought that if he couldn't find it then it probably left again. We shall see. I will be making a trip to get some traps tonight and I'll be hoping and praying to God that was the only one!!

I'm looking forward to feeling better each day and I even started walking/running again this week. I'm starting back from the beginning, but it really feels great to get back outside and get some exercise!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I've been wanted to post for awhile now, but I've been really sick.

I said in the last blog that I was sick for my Halloween Party. I went back to the doctor the next day and was the first and only one there. I still waited for a hour and a half. After all that the 2 idiots (they were more worried about giggling about the computers than helping me) said that I had nasal drip. I had a horrible fever that night and decided to go back to the doctor the next day. This time I saw a different doctor and when I got there I had a 102 fever. She examined me and said I had Asthmatic Bronchitis. It was viral so they couldn't give me anything except some cough syrup to help me sleep.

I was still getting the fevers and not feeling any better. I had to take the whole week off and got so much grief about it (for God's sake I was freaking sick) so that didn't help either. I had to go to work on Saturday and I felt completely awful. I went to work this Monday and then on Tuesday I searched for a new doctor. I wanted a second opinion on my illness.

Cam and I wanted a more intimate, family practice and that's what I found. I made an appointment and went to see if they could tell me anything different. Plus number 1: I didn't wait very long in the waiting room and about 20 minutes in the exam room. The doctor was very nice. She asked me a million questions and then did an exam. She listened to my lungs and said, "I'm almost 100% sure that you have pneumonia, but I want to send you for a chest x-ray just to be sure."

She listened to my lungs...3 other doctors from the other place listened to my lungs and they heard nothing...needless to say I will never be going there again. So I got an x-ray and it showed that I had pneumonia in my lower right lung. I had to take Wednesday off to rest, but I was back to work on Friday...and my friend had her last day of work that day. :(

Today, I had work all day. I'm feeling a little better. Still hacking my lungs out not being able to breathe very well. I made it through the work day and I'm looking forward to relaxing tomorrow and hopefully feeling better each day.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween Party

Well, this week started out normal enough. I worked on Monday, ran my errands on Tuesday, and worked on Wednesday as well as sitting at the service station for 2 hours with Cam's truck as a favor to him.

Thursday, my sickness started. It was just a cough and a runny nose, but then turned into a fever and nightmares. I honestly can't remember what I did on Thursday, but I called off from work on Friday to try and rest up for my party. I drank 5 huge cups of tea and took hot showers. I thought I would feel better in the morning, but after another sleepless night I still felt horrible.

Yesterday, I had to be at work at 10am. I woke up with Cam (It's his Drill weekend) and took some dayquil and had a banana to get something in my stomach. I ended up having a choking spell and thew up. I had to go to work b/c I'm manager on Saturday. Thank goodness there wasn't too much to do and after I finished all my cakes, I literally got a blanket out of my car and napped on the ground in the back.

The girl I worked with made me a milkshake and aside from drinking half of that, a cup of tea, and 3 bites of a bagel I couldn't eat anything else. I went home and took another hot shower to try and kick out the cold. I ended up getting sick again (probably from the dairy) and then I took and half hour nap before getting ready for the party.

When I woke up, I got dressed (I changed my outfit to just leggings, a fancy top, a huge fake ring and glitter heels and said I was Khloe Kardashian. My Gaga outfit was too cold and I couldn't wear it. But, I put on my glitter eyelashes and did my make-up big. Cam and I put the finishing touches on everything before the guests arrived.

The party was a success! Everyone brought great food (which I was hopefully feel good enough to try tonight...all I ate last night were crackers, pretzels, toast, and sherbet) We had a pong tourney going on and everyone seemed to have a good time. Too bad I felt so horrible, but all and all it was a fun night.

I actually got a really good night's sleep last night. The extra hour helped too! I woke up feeling a little better. I had a mug of tea and then switched to ginger ale and soup and crackers. I did some cleaning up and catching up on my tivo and now I'm going to take a little nap until Cam gets home from Drill.

I hate to say it, but I didn't take any photos. Bad Krystal, I know. It really was a good time though. Thanks to everyone to came and brought such yummy food! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Snow. Massive Amounts of Snow.

Happy Halloween!!

Well, my Halloween party never happened. We got hit with a major nor'eastern. Pretty much out of nowhere. When I planned the party I never thought I would be fighting with a snow storm. And I honestly didn't think that we would get as much snow as we did. I thought maybe a dusting or a little accumulation, but nothing like we actually got.

I had work all day on Saturday and while at work mad the decision to cancel the party. Too many of the guests were coming from far away and the weather was already pretty bad by noon. It killed me to have to cancel, especially since I had cooked all the food that morning and everything was all set up in the house. But, I had to think of everyones safety.

I'm planning a re-do for this weekend and hoping the weather cooperates this time!!

Monday, October 24, 2011


Well...another week has gone by.

I am now taking 3 hormone pills, 3 times a day. Joy Joy. Nothing new to report until I go back to the doctor...which isn't until my cycle starts again so we can start the blood work and ultrasound process again.

Cam and I are both up for new jobs. I think we will both be finding out around the same time if we got them or not (First week of Nov). I went for my interview last Thursday and Cam had his on Wednesday. He said his went very well. Mine went pretty good, as well. I was so nervous. This was my first "real" interview. I got a tour of the hospital and where I would be working. Then, I got to sit and watch the receptionist and see what exactly is done day to day.

It is very fast-paced, but I definitely think I can handle it. I am just dying waiting to find out. I'm hoping to get a second interview and ultimately get the job.

My Mom and I went to a baby shower yesterday. It is just so hard to go to something like that. Some people don't understand, but it absolutely kills me. Not only was the girl the shower was for pregnant, but 2 other family members were pregnant there (One I found out about that day). It just sucks because you want to be happy for them, but you just can't be.

Early Friday morning, I stubbed my toe so hard that I thought I broke it. I'm pretty sure now that it isn't broken, but it's very sore and bruised and I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose the nail. What a pain for such a small toe. I'm such a clumsy mess haha.

I am very excited for this weekend!! Cam and I are throwing our first Halloween Party at the house. I am dressing as Lady Gaga and Cam is being Pauly D!! Our costumes are great and I can't wait to have a good time with some friends and family. My one friend who I grew up with and don't see often anymore is coming!! I can't wait!! I will post photos after the party! Here's a treat of Mack's costume!! (Hugh Hefner haha too cute!)

Friday, October 14, 2011

So I haven't blogged in awhile again...

Nothing good to report. I've been officially diagnosed with PCOS. I'm not responding to the hormones I've been taken. I'm now on 2 different types of hormones (And they make me nauseous as hell) and hoping something works. If not, next step is injectable hormones. (I am terrified of needles) Our insurance decided that one we try IUI, if it doesn't work, they won't pay for any other testing to try it again. In other words, we will have to pay every time I go to the doctor for blood work, etc. That will not be cheap.

Cam and I have both applied for new, better jobs! Crossing our fingers that one or both of us gets them!!

I am very excited for our Halloween Party coming up! I'm going to be Lady Gaga and Cam is Pauly D! Hahaha, I think it's going to be really fun! I just found out that one of my childhood friends is coming and I literally cried when I found out! I got Mack a Hugh Hefner's so cute haha!

I will post some photos when I get the costumes and once the house is decorated!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Well as you can tell I have been slacking with my blog posts. Not only have I been slacking with my posts, but with my exercising...

Since we got back from Disney I have not worked out (running or anything else besides everyday life). Thankfully, I have not gained any weight, but I think how much I'd be losing if I wasn't being so lazy. Unfortunately, that doesn't always motivate me haha.

Work has been pretty dead and some days I leave by 1:30-2:00...I thought I was about to get my dream job (A personal assistant job that I would be making as much as I did nannying). But, I have not heard back from him since the weekend, so I'm thinking it's not going to happen. Which really sucks because we would both be making good money. Cam put in for a different job, as well. Same company, but a little closer to home, better hours, and a little higher up on the totem pole...fingers crossed for that!

I thought this was going to be our baby month...and then the dreaded bathroom day when I found out it definitely wasn't this month. It's just so frustrating. I cry. I scream. I lash out when I don't mean to. But, I can't help it...I have so many emotions over all of this (plus I take hormone pills so that doesn't help haha) and sometimes I can't control what I think and worse what I say (mostly to Cam because he's always around...)

I feel so bad, but before I can stop myself and think, I just explode. Next month (October) we are trying the first round of IUI (Iintrauterine Insemination). We are really hoping this will work for us. While it's NOT $10,000 like IVF, we will still have to spend a little money to do it and if takes a few times the cost will add up. Only God knows what will happen and I know that when the time is right it will finally happen, but waiting sucks. I've never been good at it.

As some of you might have noticed I have drastically deleted people from my facebook account. I just had my fill of the drama and certain people's constant complaining and bullsh** and gone they went haha. So, if you are still about to see my profile, then you are the lucky ones I kept in my life loop!!

We just got Mack the invisible fence when we got back and he was doing very well with the beeps and staying away from the flags. Yesterday, the electric was turned on and to see him get shocked made me physically sick. I got heartburn. It was hard to watch him get hurt. The shock is on a very low setting since he's so small and I think it's scaring him more than anything, but it's still awful to watch! Now, we can run past the flags and he just stops! Haha, he's a very smart pup! :)

I went to one of my best friend's engagement party last week. It was so nice (besides the heavy rain) and I don't get to see her that often, so we all had a great time! Another congrats to Kasey and Chris!!

The next day Cam and I met his mom, step-dad, and his sister Carrie at Nanny Johnson's house for her birthday celebration! CAM cooked. He spent all night the day before cooking up a storm. He made Fettuccine, Spaghetti sauce from scratch, Meatballs from scratch, Fried calamari, and Tiramisu from scratch (except the lady fingers were bought). It turned out AMAZING! Any good Italian cook would be proud. Really, really good job he did!
Cam rarely cooks so I am always surprised, but I shouldn't be because Cam is good at anything he tries! I can't wait for his next creation!!

I guess that's about all that's been going on since we got back from vacation...hopefully I will have some good news to update about soon!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Disney Vacation

We had an amazing time in on vacation!! Disney was amazing, as always!

The weather channel said it was going to thunderstorm all week. It did rain almost every day, but for only about 20 or 30 minutes so it wasn't so bad.

We got up at 2am...our ride was at our house by 3am and we were on our way to the Philadelphia airport. The security lines weren't even open yet when we got there so we had to wait. When we finally got inside we couldn't believe how many kids were on the flight...why aren't these kids in school?! Parents just don't parent their kids anymore.

Finally got to Orlando airport and then we were on our way to the resort. The Saratoga Springs Resort & Spa is where we bought our timeshare, so we decided to stay there our first time using the Disney Vacation Club.

Picture perfect, if you ask me. And we were told by a couple that were actually from Saratoga Springs, NY that Disney had every detail exact, right down to the ball at the top of the lamp posts. Pretty cool! We stayed in a 1-bedroom villa with a full kitchen. We went grocery shopping there and made breakfast every morning in the room which saved us a ton of money!

This trip we made sure we did more relaxing than running around. We always stress about getting everything done in the parks and then are exhausted by the end of the night. We definitely did a lot more relaxing, it was really nice! We did everything we wanted to do and more!

We did the "Keys to the Kingdom" behind the scenes tour of Magic Kingdom. It was really neat to see the behind the scenes stuff and get some insider information. I wish we could have taken photos, but it was not allowed. It was also really cool to see the new construction of Fantasyland in Magic Kingdom. I can't wait to go back and see it when it's all finished.

The food was amazing, as always, and I think I gained 5 extra pounds that week ha ha. We especially love eating in the World Showcase. Sushi in Japan, Brats in Germany, Creme Brulee in France, and couscous in Morocco!! Yummy yum yum! We had some amazing margaritas in Mexico too. They were so strong, but so good!

We had some troubles when we landed back in PA. There was a lightening storm and so the runway was closed. Luckily we had already landed and were just waiting inside for our luggage. This guy and his wife felt the need to complain nonstop and rant and rave about how awful the airport was. Blah, blah, blah. I wish I could have kicked his ass. What good did that do?! Just anger me and Cam.

All in all we had a fabulous vacation! I didn't want to leave and can't wait to go back!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Almost Vacation Time

Well...I won't be updating on here for at least another week.

I have a full work day (I've spent the past week making extra everything for when I'm gone). I've made 32 extra cakes and will be working on the cupcakes and cookies today. On top of that I've been going in to work an hour early and learning to open the store for when I come back. I'll be manager on Saturdays and my boss will actually get a day off! Definitely a win win!! Today, I'm opening the store completely myself and Steve (my boss) won't even be in until 11:30!

I dropped the animals off at the 'rents yesterday and Cam came with me. We stopped at Clinton Station Diner for a yummy dinner on the way home! Today is going to be a very busy day...before work I have to make all my phone calls and confirm everything for the trip and stop my mail with the post office. After work...go to Giant to turn my HUGE bag of change into cash and buy some magazines for the plane, finish packing, have dinner, and go to sleep!!

We have a 2:30am wake up call. The car is picking us up at 3...Ugh!! At least we can nap on the plane and we'll get to Disney early and have the whole day! I'm just praying it doesn't rain the whole time...saw the weather and it said scattered t-storms all week :(  Oh well, we'll still have a great time!!

I will post photos when I come back!! See you in a week! :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Bruno Baby!!

Well, the concert came and went. I have been so excited for weeks about seeing Bruno Mars! He is definitely one of the most amazing singers around now. His voice is amazing and his such a good performer. He's funny as hell too and it doesn't hurt that he's sexy haha!! :)

So anyway, I got the tickets a couple weeks ago when I found out that he would be in Allentown. Who would have thought?! I was so excited and went on to StubHub and found amazing tickets for the Pit!! Cam was supposed to go with me, but he had Army training and probably wouldn't make it after all. I asked my best friend, Justine if she would be my back-up and she accepted!!

Justine met me at my house and we headed to the fair grounds for the show. We got a quick bite to eat (amazing pizza) and then it was show time!! The tickets were definitely worth the price, we were right up in the action! So close we could see the sweat haha!

The opening act was Raphael Saadiq and he was actually really good! Then, they had to change the set and Bruno came out and he was wearing his fedora and a Lakers shirt!! The Lakers are my team so I was extra excited haha!!

Well...he was amazing, as I thought he would be. We were so close that I swear it looked like we locked eyes a few times haha. He is just so yummy and looks just as good in person. He sounds just a good too. He did almost all his songs and it was just such a fun time! Justine had a great time too and I converted her into loving Bruno haha!

I would say it was the best concert I've been to! When I woke up the next day my legs were killing me! I guess I got an extra 3 hours of cardio dancing like a fool haha! I feel like the concert went by so fast...such a good time, I seriously can't believe it!!

I took some photos and videos and I got one really good photo...stupid me should have taken the flash off, but I still got some good ones and a couple good videos! I wish I could have taped the whole thing, but I was jamming too much!! wrap it up... Justine and I had a great time. The show was amazing. Bruno Mars is the shit!

Friday, August 26, 2011

2 Mile Run

So this might seem silly to some people who are runners or work out a lot...but on Wednesday I ran 2 miles straight!! I did my walking warm-up and planned on running two songs and walking one like I did on Monday...but I started and just kept going! When I got done and did my walking cool-down I was almost crying haha. One, because I actually did it and two, because I couldn't breathe haha. I have not run that long...ever!! I was really proud of myself!!

I haven't done any running since then...but I'm hoping to get back on the right track either after work tonight or tomorrow morning. This weather has been insane and is only going to get worse this weekend, but I really want to keep up with it!

Went to the doctor again yesterday and had more blood taken to check on my hormones and status of my cycle. I'm pretty much done...Cam's got all the tests to do now and hopefully next month we can try IUI.

On another note...T-4 days until BRUNO MARS!! I am so freakin excited I can barely contain myself!! My tickets came in the mail yesterday and I screamed haha! I haven't been this excited in a long time! We're right in the PIT!! Ahhhhh!! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Upcoming Events

I have to re-cap a few things...
We never got to go to Six Flags because it poured and poured that day. We did get a lot of cleaning done, though. Cam had a really nice birthday. We went to dinner with his dad and step mom at Clinton Station Diner! Then, we had our 3 year anniversary and went to dinner with Cam's mom at Kome! It was the best hibachi place I've ever been to. The guy was so funny and squirted sake into Cam's mouth haha, it was hilarious!

I am just so excited for the next couple of weeks!! I'm going to see Bruno Mars on Aug 30th! I love love LOVE him and I can't wait!! I might have to go without Cam because yesterday he left for 2 weeks of Army training and might not be able to go with me...
Two weeks from today we are going to Disney!! It's going to be so nice to be on vacation and relax for once!

We also got a new washer and dryer! Last Saturday I woke up to start the laundry and when I put the clothes in the dryer it wouldn't start. We went to Sears on Sunday and they were actually doing an amazing sale so we got 2 top of the line machines! I'm seriously in love with them...I can't wait to do laundry!!

The new bed is amazing and I have been sleeping so much better...going to bed early tonight because I'm really hoping to get back into running tomorrow! Wish me luck!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Good Things Are Coming

I'm a big horoscope follower. I have to app on my phone and read it every day. Lately, my horoscope has been right on. It's been saying that good things are coming my way and all the hard work I've been doing will finally pay off (in a nutshell).

Good thing #1: Cam's birthday is on Saturday and I'll be working during the day, but then we are having dinner with his Dad and Step-Mom and I got him a cake from Cold Stone!!

Good thing #2: The next day, Sunday, we are going to Six Flags for the day!! I haven't been in years and I'm soooo excited!! Cam also wants to do the Safari, so that will be fun too!

#3: Our 3 Year Anniversary is next Tuesday and hopefully our new bed will be here by then! We ended up getting the Sleep Number and with the sales going on got $600 of free bedding!!

We also just recently purchased a time share with Disney! We are so excited, because we finally have to means to do it and it will be well worth it...already is! Our whole trip coming up is the price we would pay for just the hotel usually, so we couldn't be more excited!

#4: We are going to Disney World Sept 4-11th!! Staying at the resort we purchased (Saratoga Springs) in a 1 bedroom villa!! I'm definitely bringing the video camera so I can capture the room and everything else this time! I'm thinking it's not going to be that busy because we got all our dinner reservations no problem this time. Last time we went it was slim pickings. But, we got everything we wanted and are very excited for a vacation! It is definitely much needed!!

On the baby-business...we are still at a stand-still. I'm supposed to call again when I get my period and do the hormone blood work and whatnot again...but since Cam has not yet gone to the doctor (Army training keeps getting in the way) I don't know if we're going to do IUI this month. I have to see what Dr. Lee says. She may still want to do it or she might want to wait for all of Cam's test results first. We've waiting this long, what's another month right?! When it's meant to happen, it will.

Hmm..that's about all that's been going on. I have been running and working out...trying to get into shape for Florida! Ugh, 24 days can't come soon enough...we are in desperate need of a vacation!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Done For Now

Yesterday I had my last round of testing and last procedure with the fertility specialist. This visit they took another vile of blood, did another ultrasound, and had a hysteroscopy. The blood work and ultrasound were to check to see if the added hormone pills I have been taking have been working. I'm supposed to receive a phone call today about the results for those.

The hysteroscopy was...interesting haha. It actually hurt less than the dumb x-ray I had. She numbed my cervix with a needle and then took a biopsy of it and my uterine wall. She said it would feel like a bad period cramp and that it did. Then, she took images of inside my uterus and everything looked really clean and no problems.

Cam got blood work done before he left for training and when he comes back he has a urologist appointment just to make sure there's nothing else wrong. So, we can't really do anything else until he comes back and goes to the doctor. I'm pretty much done for now probably until we have to do the insemination...

On another note. My car is still in the shop. We haven't heard from them at all and I don't even know if they have looked at it yet. Good thing I have Cam's truck and didn't have to pay for a rental car. I've had a nice 2 days off too. On Monday, I used the last of the buttercream at work and the store doesn't get their delivery until Thursday morning so we switched my days around for this week. I almost never have 2 days off in a row anymore, so it's been really nice. I've caught up on my cleaning and grocery shopping and got some much needed extra sleep!!

I did go for a run yesterday!! I was laying on the couch with the kitties, watching Jeopardy, and I was falling asleep. It was only 7:30 so I figured I needed to get up and do something productive. Since it had rained earlier I knew it cooled down outside so I just decided to get dressed and go for a run. It drizzled for the first 5 minutes, but then the sky was clear and I had a pleasant run!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Day From Hell

Friday morning I woke up still feeling sore and cranky from lack of sleep. Cam left for AT but would only be gone for the day. I had work and I knew I had a ton to do, figures the one day that I really just wanted to stay home!

I get into work and my boss was talking about how hot it was the night before and because of all the equipment running it would probably get hot that day too. He told me to slow down and not get too crazy...but I had so much to do. As the day went on it got hotter and hotter in the store. The thermometer was reading 88 degrees and we literally had sweat dripping off of us. Finally around the time I was leaving he got someone to come out and look at what was happening. Turns out that one of the compressors was broken and they fixed it that night.

As I left the store, walking outside, it felt just like I was still in the store. I got in my car and because of what happened the day before I didn't turn on the a/c and drove home with the windows open. So far so good, I was rocking out to my Bad Meets Evil CD and then...cut to me having to pull over again because my car was doing the same damn thing. Did I mention that I was less than 10 minutes from my house?!

So, I pull over, shut off the car, and bake in the heat for about 10 minutes while bitching on the phone with my mom. It starts up again and I make it home. I get home and Cam is mowing the lawn. I pull into the garage and go over to him and proceed to tell him how insane he is because it's too hot to be doing yard work and tell him about the car. I go inside to change because I am literally soaked from sweat. Cam comes inside too and after screaming at each other for about 15 minutes, he told me to get changed and we were going to Giant for a few things we needed.

We get in his truck and start driving. I figured out pretty quickly that we weren't going to Giant...we were heading toward the movie theater. I was right! First we had dinner at Red Robin (YUM) haha and then we took a quick trip to the book store and then to our movie. We saw Captain America and it was awesome! Oh, I forgot to mention that while Cam and I were waiting for a table we ordered some drinks and there was an other couple sitting at the bar (we were standing because it was so crowded) and he told the bartender to put our drinks on his tab (Cam was still in uniform). It was so nice and I actually got a little teary-eyed. It's just so nice to know that there are still some decent people left in the world!!

Saturday at work was much better. The air was fixed and set to a comfortable 70 degrees. I didn't have many cakes to make for the display, but I had 2 large rectangles and a small rectangle. They take forever to make and freeze. Not that I had anything else to do...

I've been driving Cam's truck for two days now and it's not so bad. Much bigger than I'm used to, but I can definitely manage. My car will be towed to the dealer tomorrow and hopefully won't cost too much to fix. Good thing it happened while Cam was away and I can use his truck and not have to pay for a rental, at least!

Today, Sunday, Mack and I took a trip to NJ to see my parents. We went to the China Buffet for lunch and when we got there it was closed. Indefinitely. Sad because we loved that place, but the new owners were horrible and so was the food so we kind of saw it coming. We got pizza instead!! Then, I headed home sans Mack (Dad wanted him to stay for a few days haha) and got some cleaning done.

Cats are happy there's no Mack :(  It's really sad how different they are when he is not around. I wish they would get along. I always hear about cats and dogs sleeping together and hanging out...two years later they still hate the dog. Fail.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Medical Update *Warning...a little graphic*

So, I gave myself an hour to get to the Doyelstown Hospital...good thing because I just made it on time. I go in and sign in and then sit down to wait to be called in. It wasn't very long before another girl and myself were calling in. I thought it was weird that we were called together, even weirder that we both went into a locker room with stalls to put on the gown and wait again. AWKWARD. We just sat there and joked about how weird it was waiting together.

She was called before me and there I sat. Waiting. Playing on facebook and twitter. Waiting some more. I'm not the most patient person, so I was so happy when she came in for me. I walked down to the x-ray room and started to feel the butterflies. Will they find something that shouldn't be there? Will I have a blockage or mass? Thoughts were running through my mind...

I don't know about you, but being a woman is the most uncomfortable thing sometimes. I always feel so awkward laying on the table there...then the pain came. How can an instrument the size of a spaghetti noodles hurt so bad?

I found out today that I have a tilted uterus so the first try with the dye didn't take at all. Take Two. The left tube filled up and drained (what is supposed to happen), but the right didn't drain. Take Three. The third time I was in so much pain I was trying not to cry. This time the right still didn't drain and she didn't want to do a fourth test. While I got cleaned up and dressed Dr. Lee and the technician (did I mention it was a embarrassing) looks at the x-rays. When I came out she said that because of the tilt I kept pushing the dye and catheter out, but the tubes don't look inflamed or anything so she doesn't think there's a problem. It would be more visible if there was anything.

So, I left for home feeling violated, extremely sore, and hungry (I missed lunch haha). I was driving home, rocking out to the new Eminem cd (Bad Meets's amazing btw) and I was about 20 minutes away when my car started jolting and pressing on the gas was doing nothing. I got off to the side and just couldn't go anymore. I call Cam in a complete panic. Thank God he was in Allentown and could get to me quickly. Where are you? He asks...I don't know. (For anyone who knows about me and driving...I have no clue of road names or numbers and I can't read a map).

I figure out where I am and he finds me. After turning off the car for awhile we start it up again. I wasn't convinced it was the gas because I still had 1/4 tank and my light wasn't on. Cam followed me and we slowly made it to the next exit and to a gas station. After filling up, I drove his truck and he drove my car (he's much better in stressful situations than me). We had to get to the mall so Cam could get him hair cut for AT and we ate Subway for dinner! Yum.

He drove my car home again and it was fine. So, I still don't know what happened. I'm thinking it over-heated and just had to rest for awhile. I think it's time for a new I've been laying in bed for a couple hours now, trying to get comfortable. My body hurts all the way from my butt to my stomach. Not very pleasant. And forget about coughing or anything.

But, during the third attempt of the x-ray, Dr. Lee said to me how this will be a great story to tell my teenage when he/she is bitching and saying I never do anything for them. Haha I can remind them of all I went through just to have them. It's crazy!! I hope I do get to tell them this story one day. God only knows!!

The Heat is Killing Me

The East Coast is having one hell of a summer. The temperature just gets hotter and hotter. The only time to run is before the sun comes up, but I can't get myself to get up then knowing I'm either off from work all day or I don't have to be at work until 11... needless to say my running schedule ha suffered quite a bit.

Last weekend Cam and I emptied out the garage (believe me, it was full of all kinds of crap), swept the floor, and then power washed it. I had a dinner-date with my girlfriends so Cam put away everything going back in the garage. I got home and it looked amazing! I have to figure out how to post photos on here to show you all!

Fertility Testing:
In the past week I've had 20 viles of blood drawn for testing. Everything came back great. I had another ultrasound and Dr. Lee said my left ovary looks poly cystic, but she's not really worried about it. Today, is my hysterosalpingogram (dyed x-ray of my uterus and ovaries). This is to make sure I have no blockages or anything else that shouldn't be there.

I'm also taking, in addition to my multi-vitamin and prenatal pills, 2 new medications. Thank God they're pills and not shots, I hate needles. Next week I'll be getting a hysteroscopy and then hopefully when Cam comes back from AT we can gets this baby making on the road haha!!

I wasn't sure if I should write/tell anything about what we're going through with infertility, but I figured that enough people know we've struggled and I also want to remember all these awful things when we finally have the little miracle we've been waiting for and wanting for so long!

I will keep you all posted on what is coming next! And thank you to those family and friends who have been so supportive and kind through all this. Your constant prayers and well-wishing is greatly appreciated!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Well, I guess I've been M.I.A. lately...

Sorry to say that not too much has been going on. I've been working at Cold Stone and being a housewife and that's about it haha.

I have, however, had a couple of days that I've been able to spend with my besties!!
Last week I went over to my friend Justine's house and had a nice lunch with her and baby Hailey. We had some nice catching up time!

Tuesday of this week, I got to see my other best, Kasey, and we went to Rice's flee market. I got 2 purses, 2 pairs of sunglasses (one for me and one for Cam), some really cool hydrating beads for flowers, 2 wristlets, and a pair of earrings for another friend!! And I only spent $110!!! I LOVE Rice's!!
Then, we went to Olive Garden for lunch...Yum O! And back to her house for a dip in the pool!! I got some nice color, for once and we had a really great day!

Hmm...what else has been going on. We have been seeing a fertility specialist and some more tests still have to be done. We have options, which is wonderful, but this waiting game is killing me. I've never wanted my period to come so bad in my life so I can get these tests done haha.

The reason I started this blog, running, has been put on hold for the time I get up and get going it is just too damn hot to run. I've been walking with Mack 2-3 times a day, but other than that not too much running going on. Fail.

We also had a guy from the Invisible Fence company come and assess our yard. I really feel having a fence and giving Mack and place to run and play, safely, in is definitely a necessity! It's more expensive than I thought it would be, but will definitely be worth it in the long run. It won't be installed until late August, but I can't wait!

That's about exciting, I know! I have to take Apollo to the vet for his annual check-up and then I've got some yard work and housework on my list for the day and hopefully running because it is gorgeous out today! I could finally open the windows today!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Well it's officially summer. I remember when that actually meant something...Summer break from grade school, summer break from high school, summer break from college. Now it's just plain old summer, no break.

Not that I'm complaining...I just miss the old days of no responsibilities.

So, a week ago I started a Cleanse and Burn program and so far have lost 5 pounds. It would have been more, but the diet part is really restrictive and I caved a couple of times. Also, I went to a wedding and definitely indulged there haha. Back on track with the program now so I will update when it's all finished.

It was a busy work week, trying to catch up after Father's Day, so the week went by pretty fast.
Saturday, my friend, Michelle, got married! I took the day off so I wouldn't have to be rushing around all day. As always, I was ready like an hour early and Cam finally got ready like 30 minutes before we had to leave.

I wanted to leave around 3 because the wedding started at 4 and I wanted to have enough time with traffic and whatnot. Cam's almost done getting ready around 3 so we're right on, he still has to clean out his truck. We don't end up leaving until 3:20 and the GPS says it's an hour drive...WTF!!

So, I'm pissed because I hate being late and I am only late when I have to wait for Cam. He drives like a maniac and OF COURSE we get stuck behind some slow-ass people on all the back roads we had to take.

And we are late. 15 minutes late. I'm literally running up the hill in my 4-inch heels and trying not to break my ankle. The ceremony has already started...great. We sneak in the back and not too many noticed. I was mortified. We only missed the beginning and the rest was beautiful. I cried.

We headed outside to blow bubbles on the new couple and then we headed to the reception hall. The place was so cute! Rob was there (he's a friend of ours, went to school with him since grade school) and he was DJing! We knew it would be a good time then!

We sat with friends, Erin, Damien, and their daughter Madison. And Michelle's roommate, Calvin and his BF. We all had a great time chatting and catching up. Then, it was time to eat...and we were starving (especially me, I've been eating like nothing all week haha). The food was A-MA-ZING! It was like Thanksgiving...turkey with gravy, roast beef with gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, cranberry sauce, buttered was family style around the table and it was yummy!!

We did some dancing and they had a photo booth with all kinds of dress-up stuff!! Kasey and I went in first and then I went in with Cam! They're putting the print-outs in our thank-you cards! I can't wait to get them back!! They also had an ice cream bar along with the cake and cupcakes for dessert (like I don't have enough ice cream) haha, but that's what I got and we took cupcakes to go.

Since I took Saturday off I had to work on Sunday so we headed out a little before PA almost all gas stations are 24/7. We were out of gas and there was nothing around open. All the roads home were back roads and no gas stations there. We drove a good 20 minutes before we got to a more built up place and I was praying to God that we didn't break down in the middle of nowhere. Just as Cam got the receipt and got back into the car, they shut the lights. Someone was watching out for us that night, I'm sure!!

We made it home and I was exhausted. Work the next day was fine. I worked with the kids all day and it was like old times (the last time I worked there haha). Yesterday was a busy work day too and today I have the day off.

I have a doctor's appointment today and I'm really hoping to find out some good, positive information. I don't want to say too much about what's going on until I know details and what's going to happen...but I promise I (or Cam) am not sick and it's nothing serious. Wish me luck!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Another Day, Another Dollar

This week sure has been a busy one.

Most of the week is a blur. Since holidays are always popular for cakes I have been very busy at work. Usually, I work about 4-5 hours. Doesn't seem like a lot, but when you're standing on your feet the whole time and bending over, digging out hard ice cream, it definitely takes a toll on the body. With Father's Day approaching, I worked 7 hours on Friday and 6 on Saturday. In the span of 2 days I built and decorated almost 60 cakes. Plus, tons of cupcake packs and cookies!

Friday and Saturday my back was killing me and I was exhausted. So, when Saturday night came around I was already in a bad mood. My boss insulted me at work (yea, after all the freakin work I'd been doing). He was "joking" but that doesn't mean it hurt any less. His daughter (who is also my friend) is the cake decorator at his other store. She and her brother built like 50 or 60 cakes together and she had 50 to decorate on Saturday. Well, I didn't have any help and did about 30 each day (Fri and Sat). So, he made a comment like, well she already had 18 cakes done by noon. And I came back with the fact that hers were already built and I had to do everything on my own. So there!!

So, that started off my foul mood. Then, Cam went to the beach with some friends and they had really poorly planning skills...long story. Anyway, so I was supposed to meet them at the movies and take Cam home because they picked him up on Friday and he had no car or way to get home. The movie was supposed to be at 8 or something and they were about 2 1/2 hours away. I still needed to know the exact time and how to get there.

I called Cam around 5 to see what was going on. They had just gotten to the beach. What?! Are you kidding me?! Who the hell planned that out. So, that pissed me off because what a waste of a beach trip, to me anyway. So then I got home and showered and got ready. I called and called and texted Cam, but no answer. Now I was really starting to get pissed. How can you make plans and expect someone to be somewhere if you don't answer your phone?!

I was going to give him until 8:30 and then I was getting into my PJs and into bed. He would have to find another way home. Mean, I know, but come on, pick up your damn phone! So, he finally calls me about 8:00...lucky bastard. Then, my GPS couldn't find the address. I ended up having to use my phone and finally got it to work. The movie ended up being at 9:10. It was after 8 by the time I got the damn address working and I had almost an hours drive to the theater. I drove like a mad-woman and made it there just before 9 (yes, yes, I am an awesome driver haha). Cam calls and I tell him that I'm about to comes annoyance #3 for the day...

I ask where they are and they're still about 20 minutes away. Are you serious?! Ugh, so I play on my phone for a bit and decide to go stand by the door so they see me when they arrive. The longer I stood there, the more angry I got. They finally got to the theater and the movie was already 10 minutes in (not just pre-views, but the movie) Annoyance #4

We saw The Green Lantern, which was really good! Ryan Reynolds is definitely a hottie!! We got into the car to leave and I let him have it. Maybe I was a little rash and out of line, but I literally was exhausted and having all the annoyances on top of another didn't help one bit.

Today is Father's Day! I got to sleep 11 hours last night and I feel much better today! I have a wonderful Dad and I will be seeing him on Tuesday!! Cam went to NY for the day with his dad to fly in old planes and such. I am just happy to be relaxing all day with my kitties and some Panera for lunch! Yum!! Especially since I'm started a Cleanse and Burn tomorrow for 2 weeks! It's pretty intense and restrictive, but I'm hoping it will be what I need to boost my metabolism and help get me the results I want. I will also be getting back into my fitness routine now that that time of the month is over...I just can't do anything during that haha (sorry if that's T.M.I.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Alright...this post is going to be one giant pitty party, but I just need to get all the emotions I'm feeling out.

I found out today that a family member is pregnant. She hasn't been married a year yet. I've been so emotional today since finding out and I can't stop crying. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for her. It's just not fair.

I just want to start screaming WHY NOT ME?! Are you freakin kidding me?! I've been married for almost 3 years now...where the hell is my baby?! People who are close to me know a lot more about our pain and struggles than most people in my life do.

I'm so sick of people asking me "when are you going to have a baby?" "Don't you want children?" "If you just relax it'll happen" SHUT UP!!

I just literally want to scream at those comments sometimes. If they only knew how hurtful those phrases are to me. I do well for so long and then at times like this I just get so deep in a depression that it hurts to even get out of bed. My whole body aches from it.

It makes me so angry to see all these women just getting pregnant left and right and especially people who don't deserve children (like those idiots I used to work for). It's not fair when you want a baby so badly and all it seems to be is happened around you. I would give anything...

Sorry for all the complaining for those who have kept reading to this point. Wanted to be a mom so badly and it being so difficult is the worst feeling in the world. Not only do I feel sorry for myself, but for Cam too. I know he wants a baby also and I feel like such a failure that it's not happening.

So for now, well tonight at least, the pitty party is over. I guess it's time for bed and hopefully I'll feel better in the morning...

Ugh, Internet

So I just wrote a whole blog about what's been going on the past week...and something happened with my internet and erased the whole thing. So, before I throw my laptop across the room and wake up Cam with my cursing, I'm just going to briefly list everything again...

Wednesday: Cam calls me on his way home from work...his truck broke down and he had to get it towed home.

Thursday: I was off from work, but had to take Cam to his Drill weekend and then pick him up later that night.

Friday: Brought Cam back to the Armory, then I had work. His car was towed from our house to the dealers. After work, I headed to NJ with Mack. My BFF, Kasey, had a big bash to celebrate her moving into a new house! It was so much fun! We played pong, danced (our friend is a DJ and he brought all his equipment), played a card (drinking) game, and went in the hot tub!

Sat: I spent some time with my parents and then headed home sans Mack. I leave him at my parents every so often so I can have kitty time! I love having the house all to myself sometimes, so I just relaxed and watched movies all day!

Sunday: I worked with my friend, Lori! It was actually a really fun day. Cam got a ride home from one of the guys and he was home before me.

Yesterday: I had to stay home from work because Cam had to use my car. Turns out that the dumbass tow truck guy brought the truck to a closed dealer, so it just sat there all weekend. They finally brought it to the correct place and now we don't have to pay for any of the towing. We went to get a rental car from the airport...what a freakin fiasco. It's a long, annoying story, but we finally got the car, an hour later...

Today: I worked again and our friend, Laurel, was supposed to come over again for dinner before her class. She got a bad headache and actually left work, so she didn't come over. I actually cooked dinner this morning because I didn't know if I would be home before her. We found out that the truck is going to cost over $ that really sucks!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yoga, Sweat, and Tears

I got a new set of Yoga DVDs in the mail the end of last week. I've been waiting for them for over two weeks and was so excited when it finally came! It's called Progressive Power Yoga and the instructor is the same guy that has clients like Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Lopez...among many others.

There are 5 DVDs including and I just picked one to try. An hour and a half later I was finished. I have not had such an intense work out in a long time. I literally lost 4 pounds in that one work out! It's crazy, insane and I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes yoga and who wants to get into great shape.

My problem is that I have to stick to it haha. I tend to start things and then I get lazy and doesn't happen. But, seeing the amazing results already I WILL be sticking with it! I'll still be doing my running (which I did on Monday), but mostly because I can do it anytime and I can only run in the morning before it gets too hot! I will keep you all posted on my yoga progress!!

Also, yesterday Cam and my friend Laurel came over for dinner! She lives 50 minutes away from her work in Allentown and then has class at night so she'll be over every Tuesday for dinner! I made yummy Lasagna with Italian bread and it was the best one I've ever made. I tried a new recipe and it will be the only one I use from now on!!

The only thing that sucks about her coming over is that the visit is so short :( But, oh well!
Everyone knows that Mack is really hyper and jumpy. So, we let him meet Laurel and then gave him 2 little bones and put him in his cage. Usually he would cry and be scratching on the door, but he was so good and I was really proud of him. He didn't make a peep for over an hour!! What a good doggy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Drinks and Karaoke Fun

So on Saturday Cam and I met our friends, Laurel and Bill, at AppleBee's! We had a yummy dinner and dessert! Then, we headed over to Durango's. It's a bar in their area and it was karaoke night! We had these amazing drinks called "Panty Droppers" haha. I had about 4 of them and then I was ready for our song. Cam, Laurel, and I sang "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey!! Cam sang "Take it Easy" by the Eagles...he sounded amazing and then Laurel sang a No Doubt song...we were supposed to sing a duet, but I chickened out....maybe next time!

We got home after 2am and then had to be up before 8 because Cam's dad was going with us to the VFW for breakfast and then to a gun show with Cam. I literally stayed in bed all day and ate leftovers! It was wonderful!

Back to work today...surprisingly I didn't have too much to do and I was home before 3. So very excited for my day off tomorrow and then Laurel is coming over for dinner!! :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Busy Bee

Well, I've been a busy bee all week. My life is not too exciting right now, but I'll re-cap everything that's been going on...

Memorial Day went very well. Cam and I went to 3 different places and he did a great job bugaling. Then, we BBQed with some was hot hot hot out, but we drank Mike's Hard Lemonade (I am NOT a beer drinker) and we had a great time! Cam and I made Baked Beans (they were a big hit) and I made my famous brownies and added some red, white, and blue sprinkles!!

I worked Tuesday and Wednesday since I had Monday off. The weather was b-e-a-utiful this week, but it made business really crappy. I didn't have too much to do, but got a chance to catch up on organizing and doing some extra things. We also figured out the pink frosting problem, thank God!!

Thursday, I had a nice day off! I caught up on some cleaning and spent some extra time with Mack! I also got some great news...I won the case against my former-boss-assholes!! Some of the most exciting news I've had in awhile!! Also, my True Blood season 3 DVD came in the mail and Cam and I have been catching up before the new season starts later this month!

I made a small rectangle Princess theme cake yesterday and then last night had a dream that the pink went again and the whole cake melted haha. I was very happy to see today that it was not true! I had hardly anything to do again today and was home before 3...

I am very excited for tonight! Cam and I are going out with friends...this time to a karaoke bar!! Haha...should be interesting. I'm definitely going to need a few drinks before I even think about doing it!! :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Weekend Fun & New Friends

What a busy weekend already! Yesterday I had a great day at work. Steve bought me pizza for lunch and it was just a nice day! Then, after work, Cam and I got dressed and ready to head out to Douglasville to meet up with some friends.

Cam plays Warhammer with some friends on the weekend and he brought me to hang out with everyone. I met a few of them on Wednesday when we went shooting, but I got to meet everyone else last night. I think his one friend, Laurel, and I will be great friends! We have the same weird sense of humor and get along well!

We went to a bar called The Red Hills Tavern. I had some yummy chicken fingers and fries and then we worked up a sweat on the dance floor. I started to feel like we went back in time to the 90' we decided to go to the Allstar Bar (The guys left and went there anyway because the load music and dancing "wasn't their sene.") Cam stayed with us though because he's the best!!

It was a really fun night! We didn't get back home until after 3 and I stayed up for a little bit because my stomach was bothering me...

Today, I did a lot of nothing!! Cam mowed the law and I went to Giant, but mostly it was a relaxing day! Cam and I finally watching Black Swan on was INTENSE! Natalie Portman did a really beautiful job dancing and the acting was great, but it was really intense and freaky!!

Well...we have a big day tomorrow. Cam is bugaling for the V.F.W. and then we'll be BBQing it up with some friends!! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Guns and Such

Well, I had work again on Wednesday. I felt more comfortable than Monday and had less to do so I didn't feel so rushed and stressed. I was also able to organize all the cake stuff back to the way I like it! After work Cam and I met up with his friend Willy and we went to the shooting range. I have never fired a gun before except when we lived in Georgia and they had "Family Day" at the range and I got to shoot a machine gun (such an awesome once-in-a-lifetime experience)!! I was really nervous and scared.

I've been around guns my whole life (my dad's a former Marine, a hunter, and a gun collector), but I never really learned anything about them until I married Cam. He always tells me all the rules and different things about different guns, but there's so much information that I tend to forget most of it. Not really a good thing, but I do try to remember. There are a few key rules I never forget... 1. Never point a gun, loaded or unloaded, at anyone unless you are going to shoot them. 2. Regarding the safety: Red You're Dead and 3. Never store the gun and bullets in the same area.

I do remember some other things, but those are most important, I think. I used Willy's smaller hand gun at the range and I'm pretty confident now that I know how to load, fire, and unload it. Shooting was another thing. I have pretty poor vision and couldn't see the target to far out so I only hit the paper a couple of times, but for my first time out I think I did pretty well. Cam was so cute and went out to get my target to save after we were all done!

They also made me shoot his M1 Garand (I think that's what it was called...) just to try and it was so hard. Cam was helping hold it steady so it didn't hit my shoulder so hard. All in all it was a really fun experience. Would I do it again? Yes. Would I go again tomorrow? No...too much too soon haha.

Then, we got McDonald's and headed over to a bar called The Flying Dog! Haha. Funny name. We met some other people there and hung out for a couple hours. We had a really fun time, but it was soooo late and I was getting cranky-tired. We didn't get home until after 1 and Cam had to be up at 4:30...I remained in cranky mode and I didn't get up to make him breakfast or lunch haha.

I called him later to apologize. I am a different person when I'm over-tired. I had a full day of cleaning and laundry. When Cam got home we went to donate blood. As I thought, my iron was 2 points too low and I couldn't donate. I say, as I thought, because every time I donate my iron is too low. Always the same number too haha. But, Cam donated so that was good at least!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


A lot has been going on.

I had a nice, relaxing weekend, spending a lot of time with Mack and Cam! The weather was crappy so i stayed inside and had a True Blood marathon!! I love me some True Blood...can't wait for the new season! It looks like it's going to be great!

I haven't been running :/  This weather is killing me. I'm not one to run in the rain, especially when it's cold out. I'm not a fan of having my face wet while trying to focus on my run...

I know. Complain, Complain. I really need to stop complaining.

I have been reading my friend, Kat Belke's blog. She moved to Africa last year and I just (last night at 11:30) caught up with her blog. Reading it and hearing the stories about the kids and people there really makes you think about your own life and problems. It makes me really thankful for the things I have and the amazing people in my life. Especially my family. I have the best family and friends in the world!!

I have been looking for a passage that Kat wrote in her blog about not worrying or looking to the future because today has enough problems...I'm going to keep looking for it because it really spoke to me and made me think about my life.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and that things will work out as they're supposed to, but sometimes it's hard to just go with it and let it happen. I believe that God has a plan for us and I guess I just need to try harder to go with the flow...and for those of you who really know me, that's a lot to ask, but I'm seriously going to work on it.

On another, good note...yesterday I had my first solo day back at Cold Stone! It went very well...I made 17 cakes (not too shabby for my first day back)!! So that is the number one change that's going on with me right now. I'll be working 4 days a week for about 5 hours which is just enough for me haha. At least Mack won't have to be alone all day anymore!

I still have not heard anything from unemployment yet...but, as I am learning, everything will turn out as it should!! Well, the rain is falling and I need to start cleaning and go grocery shopping today!! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cold Stone

Yesterday was my first day back at Cold Stone. Technically it was just a refresher day, but I did soooo much and I got paid so I guess it counts as my first day back!

Everything came back to me pretty easily. Just like riding a bike! It was a long day though and we had a lot of cakes, cupcakes, and cookies to make! Lori (for those of you who don't my boss' daughter and we became friends when I worked there the first time. I now think of her as one of my best friends!!) and I had a great time working together and catching up a bit. Hopefully I will working with her again soon!!

Mack was happy to see me when I got home! I hate leaving him alone, but at least it's only 4 days a week and for about 5 hours!! But, I do love the feeling when he runs up to me and greats me when I get home! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scum-Bags, Cakes, and Hope (Oh My)

So here's the latest update on my unemployment...

I got a call Monday afternoon from my former boss at Cold Stone Creamery called me (I became friends with his daughter and she filled him in on my situation). He just lost another cake decorator and wanted me to come back and be the cake decorator again. Since it was late, I called Unemployment the next day.

I waited on hold for over an hour. While I was waiting I was playing around with the website and found that something was wrong with my claim and it was being reviewed. Obviously I wouldn't get paid until everything was ok. So now I had 2 questions to ask when they finally took my call. All I wanted to know was how many hours I can work to make up the difference of the money I'm losing.

The guy told me that the scum-bags I worked for were appealing my claim. The guy wouldn't tell my what they were saying (He said it was private, which I don't understand because it's about me) but anyway...once Unemployment decides (If they deny then we can appeal them and then we'll probably have to have a meeting with them...) I will let everyone know.

I kinda had a feeling they would do just shows that they are so power-hungry and just down right rotten people. It amazes me that people like this actually exist. I, for one, have learned very valuable lessons from this whole experience and will never let this happen to me again.

So, after calling my parents and Cam and freaking out...I called Steve back and he asked me to come in a talk about my job. He said he's dealt with situations like this a lot and the appeal almost never goes through, so that's a plus. He offered me my old job back and the same times and days. I am very thankful to have such wonderful people in my corner. I will get through all of this and be stronger for it.

I have hope and faith that things will work out as they should. I have my family, friends, and wonderful people in my life that I can lean on.


I've been getting so behind with my blogging...I need to start doing it either at night or in the morning because I always forget what I want to write haha.

I've been slacking on my running. This weather is killing me. I worked out with my trainer at the gym on Tuesday and haven't done much since then. Cam and I always rough-house and I think he hurt my back the other day, but thank goodness it feels a lot better.

Yesterday my Mom and I went to Princeton, NJ to visit and meet my baby cousin, Collin!! He's already 8 months and sooooo adorable! What a happy and smart boy he is! It was so nice to spend some time with Julia and her Dad...I wish my other cousin Trevor could have been there too! I took Mack back home with me and we drove home in the rain. More rain.

Speaking is POURING right now. There's thunder and lightning and my poor Mack is so scared. He keeps running around the house and hiding. I feel so bad for him. And Cam...he's driving home from work in this mess. That lucky duck got out of mowing the lawn today...

So, a lot went on on Tuesday but that needs it's own be continued!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Haha. Excuse the pun, but I couldn't help it. I get that from my Mom. I hit a milestone today. I ran a whole mile today!! It took me 14 minutes, haha, but I did it! I have not run a mile since grade school. I am super proud of myself! I walked after that and did a little running on and off, but I was so tired after that!!

I keep forgetting to blog at night because the next day I forget everything that happened haha.

Today I had my training at the gym. We did a lot of abs.

Does anyone know any really good pilates dvds?! I want to start doing that at home, but I don't want to buy a bad one. I would rather invest in a really good dvd!

More cleaning and vacuuming today. Laundry and making my lovely neighbor Rose's amazing Penne Vodka tonight for dinner! I hope I can make it as well as she does!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


  I woke up early and Mack and I headed to my parents' house in NJ. I went with my Mom to Verizon to get one of my old phones activated (there was no way I could be without a phone until Tues or Wed!!)
Then, I took a nap and get ready for the concert. My friend, Kasey, got tickets to see Sugarland and invited me to go with her! It only took us an hour to get there and we pre-gamed with margaritas by the car. (Yes, that's right. Margaritas, not beer!!) Haha. When we were done with our drinks, we packed up the chairs and heading over to the center. By the time we got there we both had to pee so bad. We decided to wait until we went inside. A security guy came up to us and said that our chairs were too tall and we couldn't bring them in.

We then had to walk alllll the way back to the car. This time I was literally going to pee my pants haha. There was a Rita's across the street so I went over and Kasey followed after she put the chairs in the car. We were told that we HAD to buy something and there was a line of 10 people waiting for the bathroom. We finally got to go and then headed back to the center.

We got some food and then went to find somewhere to sit. We had lawn seats so we needed a place to put our blanket! Kasey decided to go to the bathroom again before the show started so I waited with the food. Then, it was my turn. On the way back to the blanket I got lost (go figure. I have the worst sense of direction). I had to call Kasey, but since the opening act (Little Big Town) had started and people were screaming I couldn't hear her. I seriously thought I wouldn't be able to find her, but thankfully I did.

We picked the worst place to sit. While I was in the bathroom and trying to find my way back...a bunch of skanky girls were in our area and had bikini tops under their shirts and kept taking their clothes off and throwing them on our blanket. Kasey kept throwing their stuff on the ground haha.

The concert was great though!! We had an awesome time! It took us 45 minutes to drive 150 feet out of the parking lot haha and we finally got home after 1am...all in all it was a great day and a great night!

So, thank you Kasey, again, for taking me with you!! With living in PA, working, family, and life in general, I don't get to see my friends very often. So I really cherish all the time I get to spend with my bests!


Sorry I've been behind with my blogging. The site was down for a little bit and then I had a busy weekend!

Let me re-cap what's been going on.

Friday: I did my normal routine, (cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, ect.), then I went to Verizon to figure out what was wrong with my phone. I had it on the charger and went to take it off to respond to a text and it just restarted. Now, it does that every so often but this time it wouldn't completely start up. The store said they'd have to send me a new phone and I won't get it until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Cam called me on his way home from Drill and said he wanted to go to the movies. I was already dressed and ready to go so that was a plus. We decided to see Thor in IMAX 3D!! It was amazing!! Chris Hemsworth is so sexy haha. But, the movie was really good too.

Saturday: I went to a Sugarland concert with my friend Kasey...which needs a whole blog all to itself haha!!

Sunday: So, I haven't run in a couple of days and I'm really looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow. Mack stayed at my parents today. I'll be back in NJ on Wednesday when I visit family in Princeton so he's having a sleepover until then. It also gives me some much needed Kitty Time! I don't see much of them when he's home. I was supposed to do a phone interview tonight, but the woman never called. Oh well. I guess that one's not meant to be.

I'm looking forward to watching Army Wives tonight and spending some time with my hubby!!