Thursday, July 21, 2011

Medical Update *Warning...a little graphic*

So, I gave myself an hour to get to the Doyelstown Hospital...good thing because I just made it on time. I go in and sign in and then sit down to wait to be called in. It wasn't very long before another girl and myself were calling in. I thought it was weird that we were called together, even weirder that we both went into a locker room with stalls to put on the gown and wait again. AWKWARD. We just sat there and joked about how weird it was waiting together.

She was called before me and there I sat. Waiting. Playing on facebook and twitter. Waiting some more. I'm not the most patient person, so I was so happy when she came in for me. I walked down to the x-ray room and started to feel the butterflies. Will they find something that shouldn't be there? Will I have a blockage or mass? Thoughts were running through my mind...

I don't know about you, but being a woman is the most uncomfortable thing sometimes. I always feel so awkward laying on the table there...then the pain came. How can an instrument the size of a spaghetti noodles hurt so bad?

I found out today that I have a tilted uterus so the first try with the dye didn't take at all. Take Two. The left tube filled up and drained (what is supposed to happen), but the right didn't drain. Take Three. The third time I was in so much pain I was trying not to cry. This time the right still didn't drain and she didn't want to do a fourth test. While I got cleaned up and dressed Dr. Lee and the technician (did I mention it was a embarrassing) looks at the x-rays. When I came out she said that because of the tilt I kept pushing the dye and catheter out, but the tubes don't look inflamed or anything so she doesn't think there's a problem. It would be more visible if there was anything.

So, I left for home feeling violated, extremely sore, and hungry (I missed lunch haha). I was driving home, rocking out to the new Eminem cd (Bad Meets's amazing btw) and I was about 20 minutes away when my car started jolting and pressing on the gas was doing nothing. I got off to the side and just couldn't go anymore. I call Cam in a complete panic. Thank God he was in Allentown and could get to me quickly. Where are you? He asks...I don't know. (For anyone who knows about me and driving...I have no clue of road names or numbers and I can't read a map).

I figure out where I am and he finds me. After turning off the car for awhile we start it up again. I wasn't convinced it was the gas because I still had 1/4 tank and my light wasn't on. Cam followed me and we slowly made it to the next exit and to a gas station. After filling up, I drove his truck and he drove my car (he's much better in stressful situations than me). We had to get to the mall so Cam could get him hair cut for AT and we ate Subway for dinner! Yum.

He drove my car home again and it was fine. So, I still don't know what happened. I'm thinking it over-heated and just had to rest for awhile. I think it's time for a new I've been laying in bed for a couple hours now, trying to get comfortable. My body hurts all the way from my butt to my stomach. Not very pleasant. And forget about coughing or anything.

But, during the third attempt of the x-ray, Dr. Lee said to me how this will be a great story to tell my teenage when he/she is bitching and saying I never do anything for them. Haha I can remind them of all I went through just to have them. It's crazy!! I hope I do get to tell them this story one day. God only knows!!

1 comment:

  1. I glad that everything looks good so far!! That is great news!! Dr. Lee's comment was histerical.

    I hate when my car breaks down! This has happened to me so many times. Thank God it has always been somewhere safe like a parking lot or something. I can totally relate to how bad you are with directions. It must be a Zalweski thing LOL. There have been times I've been on the side of the road waiting for AAA and cannot even give them a landmark. They're like, "how can you not even know what you passed" I tell them its a gift to be this geographically ignorant
