Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It's been a few weeks since I've had a minute to jump on my computer. Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, they all are viewed on my phone usually. What would we do without the internet on our phones? My computer is in one of the upstairs rooms and I rarely get a chance to sit up there long enough to type.

Today is a good day.

A lot has been happening. I've still on week 5 of my running schedule. With the weather and Cam being sick again last week I ended up having to re-start week 5 and it looks like I might have to again. We are expecting another big storm and since it's already raining looks like I won't be getting out. Week 5 is brutal though so I don't mind completely.

I said last time I posted that I would be wearing my Baboosh and measuring my progress...well that lasted a few days and I couldn't take it anymore. It does work, I will say that, but it's so uncomfortable and you can see it under clothing so you can't really wear it out.

I am, however, doing better in the eating department. Watching my calories, making sure to be snacking on fruits and drinking a TON of water. I've also attempted to complete my ballet video twice now. So far I've only gotten to the floor warm-up...

I went to the doctor because I've been losing a ton of hair (I know it's said to be normal after pregnancy, but this is ridiculous) and they did some blood work and everything came back fine. They said if in 2 months the loss doesn't slow down or gets worse then I need to see a dermatologist. Great.

After the doctor, Baby and I decided to zip over to LVDI and visit the girls! I always love visited them and it definitely makes me miss working (never thought I'd say that). Well, not really the working part, but the people I worked with. We always had a fun time!

Baby D is doing great! He had his Christening on Sunday and he looked so handsome! Thank you again to all of his family and friends that were able to share in his special day, it was amazing. He did really well and didn't cry at all through the ceremony and did well being passed around the party.

And it looks like my time is up...Mommy Duty!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi lady!! I think I knew you wrote a blog, but I saw it on Facebook today, and it reminded me to check it out! It's great. I love it! Hope you're doing well. It was nice seeing you this weekend!

